Here are the liner notes for the new album:

Haakon Steinar Vatle: lead vocals/shantyman, acoustic guitar
Roald Kaldestad: acoustic guitars, mandolin, banjo, pump organ, accordion, percussion, vocals
Gisle Østrem: concertina, accordion, bass accordion, pump organ, vocals
Rune Nesse: percussion, vocals
Ronny Sætre: vocals
Vidar Vedå: vocals
Bjørn Bunes: piano, pump organ, percussion effects
The title, Nine Rows of Teeth, is taken from the song Fish in the Sea, one of the more energetic songs on the album, which in total is inspired by the huge contrasts of a sailors life – the joy and the suffering, the freedom and the longing. The cover painting is made by the great Steinar Alvestad, in a mixture of ink and brandy.
Storm Weather Shanty Choir hails from the island of Stord on the Norwegian west coast, and consists of six musicians with backgrounds ranging from folk, rock, heavy rock, pop, and, for credibility’s sake, a leadsinger/shanty man who has been working for many years on board the tall ship SS Statsraad Lehmkuhl of Bergen. He learned and used these songs on board, and has also written a master’s degree on shanties and sea songs as the first one in the world. SWSC interpret and play songs from the seven seas in a way you have never seen or heard before, and the repertoire range from the pure vocal to full instrumentation with rock elements.
All the songs on the album are traditional sea songs (either shanties or forebitters), and they were originally sung by the first true rock‘n’rollers, the rough and salty sailors from the great days of sail.
Special thanks to: *our producer Bjørn Bunes for everything – and then some, Johannes, Magne og Svein Olav Langåker for photos and videos, Richard Burgess for helping us out with the lyrics on Farewell Lovely Nancy, Martin Carthy for inspiration on Hog Eye og Jim Jones in Botany Bay, Hallvard T. Bjørgum for inspiration for The Doomsday Tune, the audience at SALT (Oslo), on October 2, 2020, for roaring chorus and stomping on Haul Away, Joe. Elise and Simen in Sesong 1, Sveinung Rindal and Rune Danielsen from the Orchard, Maria and Jeanette in Musikkoperatørene for help with PR and marketing. Kristine Knapskog for digital support. Fisherbenny for TikTok-virality, Luna Terra B. Jørgensen for including us on the best playlist ever -Shanties that drop my panties. And most important – all our fans, friends and families for support through the years. May ye sail afore the gales!
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